When I was 21 I spoke up to my girlfriend, telling her about my fantasies with guys. This gave me a lot of stress and felt confused. My “underground” desires were always gay, while in my real life I was straight. When I was 18 I got the guts to buy my first gay porn magazine, later I started renting porn VHS, later buying DVD’s.
Nevertheless, I “kept” my secret gay fantasies inside my brain. I changed completely when I was a teenager: I grew up, got a girlfriend and became very popular in my social environment. I started fapping fantasizing with these boys. I started having fantasies with boys from school when I was 11, I understand now that this was because I was bullied at school and was not “popular”: I was shorter, fatter, used glasses, and did not know how to play soccer (very important to be popular if you are a boy in Argentina).